Real Stories with Random Writers
This podcast is hosted by R.A. Spratt and Jacqueline Harvey. We're authors, which means we tell stories for a living. This podcast is all about sharing our stories with you. We'll have a special guest each week.
Real Stories with Random Writers
A story about a fan-belt eating rat with Dani Vee
Dani Vee joins us on the podcast this week to talk about ... road trips!
To find out more about Dani you can visit https://www.danivee.com.au
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To find out more about R.A. Spratt visit raspratt.com
To find out more about Jacqueline Harvey visit jacquelineharvey.com.au
00:16:42.650 --> 00:17:11.220
Rachel Spratt: Hello, and welcome to real stories with random writers. I'm Ra. Spratt, and I'm here with Jacqueline Harvey. Tim Harris is at home with sick kids today. So get well soon. Mini Tims, today's special guest is Danny V. Danny is the host of the words and nerds. Podcast she's also the author of my extraordinary mum prank Queen. My epic. Dad takes us fishing, and my epic dad takes us camping, and her most recent book is my epic. Dad goes extreme welcome to the show. Danny.
00:17:11.220 --> 00:17:12.760
Dani Vee: Thank you for having me.
00:17:13.665 --> 00:17:13.960
Rachel Spratt: Marty!
00:17:13.960 --> 00:17:18.720
Dani Vee: Very excited to be here. I've seen all your line up of guests, I'm like, oh, now it's my turn.
00:17:18.720 --> 00:17:38.200
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, well, we're so excited to have a queen of podcast in here with us, okay, we're all book creators, which means we're storytellers. Normally, we write our stories down. But for this, podcast we're going to be telling them out loud instead. And today, we're going to be telling tales about road trips. So let's get into it now. I just said I would go first, st didn't I?
00:17:38.200 --> 00:17:41.470
Jacqueline Harvey: You did, Rachel. You did say you would go first.st That was the line up so.
00:17:41.470 --> 00:17:46.280
Rachel Spratt: Oh, I think I only said I, I wanted to go first, st cause I don't want to go 1st next time.
00:17:46.510 --> 00:17:47.325
Jacqueline Harvey: Okay. All right. Well,
00:17:47.530 --> 00:18:13.769
Rachel Spratt: No, no, no, I'll go first.st It's okay. The reason I was reluctant to go 1st is because I'm not actually a big road tripper, because I am not a good driver, Jackie. You probably already know this story, but I managed to crash my car, coming home from a day of school visits in Sydney once, because, Danny, you don't know this about me. I'm borderline narcoleptic. I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. I sleep in cars. Usually when other people are driving.
00:18:13.770 --> 00:18:15.419
Jacqueline Harvey: It's not not when she's.
00:18:15.420 --> 00:18:15.870
Dani Vee: But.
00:18:15.870 --> 00:18:16.390
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, yeah.
00:18:16.390 --> 00:18:17.310
Jacqueline Harvey: But you know.
00:18:17.310 --> 00:18:17.860
Dani Vee: Like.
00:18:17.860 --> 00:18:35.259
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, but I've slept in many of well-known bookshops around Australia, because, like, if you're on a publicity tour, and they say, Oh, we've got half an hour before you go somewhere. They turn around, and I'm asleep in a chair as soon as I hear those words, so I'm not keen on driving. I love the train. I like a plane anywhere where someone else is in control
00:18:35.260 --> 00:19:02.630
Rachel Spratt: and I can sleep. That's my preferred mode of transport. So anyway, I'm not a big road tripper. So yeah, I like to train. But one day I took an unplanned road trip with my kids, and this is one of those things. It's you know, you do things with your kids. And a decade later they're still talking about it. So this is one of those things. So what happened was I was doing the Goulburn literary festival, which Goulburn's only an hour drive from my place.
00:19:02.630 --> 00:19:25.520
Rachel Spratt: but it was in a school holiday, so I had to take both my kids with me. And just so, you know, my kids, they do not ever want to go to another literary festival for as long as they live. They've just had so much of that. They've heard my presentation so many times they could give it for me, particularly my workshop. My youngest one could easily do a workshop on Joseph Campbell's hero journey, and she'd probably do a better job than me at this stage. She's seen it so many times.
00:19:25.520 --> 00:19:33.460
Rachel Spratt: So anyway, they're like Goulburn in a library all day. It was their idea of a nightmare. So it's like you gotta suck it up. So we go out to Goulburn.
00:19:33.770 --> 00:19:40.120
Rachel Spratt: I do my 2 presentations. George Ivanov was there. I made fun of him, told everyone he was an alcoholic. It was great.
00:19:40.420 --> 00:19:43.069
Rachel Spratt: And then I'm driving back from Goulburn.
00:19:44.050 --> 00:20:05.419
Rachel Spratt: and the kids have just had enough. It's been a long day, and we get about 1015 min out of Goulburn, coming back towards the southern Highlands. And there's a traffic jam like this huge traffic jam like the type, not where it's crawling, but where everyone is stopped like in those coke ads from the eighties where everyone stopped. And it's a stinking hot day, and people start getting out of their cars and talking to the people from the other cars.
00:20:05.420 --> 00:20:22.070
Rachel Spratt: and there's a woman, and she's got like horses, and she's coming back through all the cars, saying, has anybody got any spare water? And I'm like I've got like a liter of water. But I've got 2 kids, and it's a stinky and hot day like they're livestock, too. And so people are like going through all this stuff, and they're trying to find food and water for the horses and stuff.
00:20:22.200 --> 00:20:38.909
Rachel Spratt: And it's just you think, oh, this is going to be at least 4 h. This is just going to suck, and my kids have already had a really sucky day from their point of view. Obviously the literary minds of Goulburn have had a fantastic day because of my beautiful presentations. But, my kids, I just think, oh, this is so harsh for them on the holidays!
00:20:39.090 --> 00:21:01.810
Rachel Spratt: And then I thought, you know, stuff it like, why, wait here for 4 h? We could just turn around and go back to Goulburn and wait for the traffic jam to go away. And then I think, well, there's not much in Goulburn. How about. We drive straight through Goulburn. We go all the way to Canberra, because Canberra's got Questacon, and we're members. And so I'm like, yeah. And this is where me, being a huge slob, finally paid off. You see.
00:21:02.540 --> 00:21:17.649
Rachel Spratt: I'm a very messy person like Jackie, and Danny can see this behind me. My office is permanently a mess. But my car is permanently a mess, too. In fact, I'm inspired by the late great Carrie Fisher in this regard. I don't know if either of you have ever read
00:21:17.700 --> 00:21:25.450
Rachel Spratt: postcards from the edge, but in postcards, from the edge of the book, she talks about how your car as a woman is basically an extension of your handbag and how?
00:21:26.690 --> 00:21:47.090
Rachel Spratt: it's just like you. Just it's stuff you take with you everywhere. All your emergency stuff. And my car is just chock with that kind of thing, because I've always driven old bombs. So my car is always full of everything. You would need to repair a car, and then I had 2 young children. So when you have young children you always need all that you need tissues, and you need like towels, and you need.
00:21:47.090 --> 00:21:47.420
Dani Vee: That's.
00:21:47.420 --> 00:22:01.650
Rachel Spratt: Snacks, snacks. Yeah? And cause we're from the Highlands. You often set off in the morning when it's 0 degrees, and then by lunchtime it's 30 degrees. So you need multiple changes of clothes. So my car is just full of like 5 years of this junk.
00:22:01.650 --> 00:22:24.730
Rachel Spratt: So we're in this traffic jam, and I think we could just turn around, drive to Canberra. And I'm thinking about what's in the car and thinking we've got everything we need for a weekend away. All we need is clean underwear and swimming costumes. So we turn around. We go to Goulburn, where there's a target. There, I say, girls, just go get a pair of underpants each, and a swimming costume each the cheapest swimming costume they have.
00:22:24.990 --> 00:22:51.759
Rachel Spratt: And while they were there I got on my phone. And because I travel so much for being an author for work with penguin was touring us a lot. Then I had all these points with Novotel. So I get on the app and I book us using all the points, a room at the Novotel, and they've got a great pool at their hotel that my kids love. So we had this awesome trip. We turned around. We go to the. We went straight to Questicon. We had like 3 h in questacon before it closed.
00:22:51.770 --> 00:23:19.030
Rachel Spratt: or maybe it was a bit less. But you know, a couple hours in quest form closed. We went to the hotel, spent the rest of the afternoon until dinner in the pool, had dinner room service, got up the next morning, went back to Quest to come another couple of hours, and then we went home and cleaned, sailing back home in 2 h. And so that was my favorite road trip and my kids still talk about. Can you believe the time that we just turned around and drove to Canberra, and we had so much junk in the car. All we had to buy was underpants and swimming costumes.
00:23:19.030 --> 00:23:21.229
Dani Vee: Great. It's a great road trip story.
00:23:21.230 --> 00:23:24.100
Rachel Spratt: Yeah. And also, it's a great validation of messiness. That's
00:23:25.080 --> 00:23:26.020
Rachel Spratt: story.
00:23:26.020 --> 00:23:45.929
Jacqueline Harvey: Great great spontaneity. Rachel, I'm impressed with the spontaneity. See? I couldn't do that because I am the complete opposite of messy as you know, Rachel, I'm like my car has nothing in it other than like one coat. When when you live where I live, you have to have you always have to have a coat in the car because.
00:23:45.930 --> 00:23:46.430
Rachel Spratt: Right.
00:23:46.824 --> 00:23:49.189
Jacqueline Harvey: Stuck, you know, if you if.
00:23:49.190 --> 00:23:50.520
Rachel Spratt: Dangerous not to. Yeah.
00:23:50.520 --> 00:24:06.669
Jacqueline Harvey: Exactly, and if Heaven forbid! There was a massive snowstorm, and you know I couldn't get home then I need to have some extra clothes, but you know I that's all I would have. I would need to have to. I would have to go to Kmart or target and buy the entire kitten caboodle a road trip like you, right? So.
00:24:06.670 --> 00:24:18.880
Dani Vee: My car. My car sounds like a hybrid of both of yours. So my front, my front very neat. Just what I need. You know everything that I need the back. It's a tip, because the kids live in there. So.
00:24:18.880 --> 00:24:19.740
Jacqueline Harvey: Yeah.
00:24:19.740 --> 00:24:20.710
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, yeah.
00:24:20.710 --> 00:24:24.594
Dani Vee: I just ignore it. I wish I had one of those, you know those little fancy sort of.
00:24:24.810 --> 00:24:25.210
Jacqueline Harvey: Brain.
00:24:25.500 --> 00:24:26.270
Rachel Spratt: Yeah.
00:24:26.270 --> 00:24:26.910
Jacqueline Harvey: Spider.
00:24:26.910 --> 00:24:32.280
Rachel Spratt: Like a chef does have that. When people start making out in the back of the car it just slowly goes out, so they don't have to watch the icky.
00:24:32.280 --> 00:24:35.640
Dani Vee: And I could have my neat front, and they could have their messy back.
00:24:35.880 --> 00:24:42.160
Jacqueline Harvey: I mean to be fair. You 2 have kids, and you 2 have young kids, and you know I don't have young children so.
00:24:42.430 --> 00:24:42.700
Dani Vee: So.
00:24:43.000 --> 00:24:44.770
Rachel Spratt: Ian. He's like a giant child.
00:24:45.650 --> 00:24:48.759
Jacqueline Harvey: He's even more anal attentive than I am. Can I.
00:24:48.760 --> 00:24:53.730
Rachel Spratt: Well, he's got an aster, Martin. If I hadn't asked him, Martin, I'd be anal retentive about it. That's true.
00:24:53.730 --> 00:25:06.399
Jacqueline Harvey: It is no junk allowed in that car, I can tell you. But no, it's yeah, i i i admire that story. I think that's brilliant. I love. I do love spontaneous trips, and that's that's awesome.
00:25:06.400 --> 00:25:36.229
Rachel Spratt: Well, I think I also find it kind of triggering to get trapped in the car on a hot day when Sammy was one month old, like 4 weeks old, baby, and you forget, because you don't often see babies that age, because when your baby's that age you don't leave the house really much so. But when she was that age it was really hot in Sydney, and we had bad air conditioning. So me and Angus said, Okay, we'll pack the kids up. We had 2 cars, and Violet was 3. We'll pack the kids up. We'll take both cars. We'll drive to Beryl for the weekend just to get some cooler weather. But on the way my car broke down on the M. 7.
00:25:36.380 --> 00:25:36.960
Jacqueline Harvey: Oh, good!
00:25:36.960 --> 00:25:46.940
Rachel Spratt: I was stuck on the side of the road, and 40 Degree Day, with a 4 week old baby, and it was just flat out frightening. It was really frightening. So I think that's what triggered, you know, when I was in this traffic jam, and it was just getting hot.
00:25:46.940 --> 00:25:47.469
Dani Vee: Get out!
00:25:47.470 --> 00:25:52.219
Rachel Spratt: Miserable. It's just like I don't care like. I just don't want to be here. That's all that I was thinking.
00:25:52.670 --> 00:25:53.570
Dani Vee: I was.
00:25:53.570 --> 00:26:01.820
Jacqueline Harvey: Trapped on a train coming back to the Southern Highlands during a during a heat wave with 40 kids that were on vacation.
00:26:01.820 --> 00:26:02.460
Dani Vee: Patient.
00:26:02.890 --> 00:26:03.750
Jacqueline Harvey: With me.
00:26:05.580 --> 00:26:11.999
Jacqueline Harvey: and it was so hot we got stuck like the the you know, when the tracks all they walk because.
00:26:12.000 --> 00:26:12.750
Rachel Spratt: Yeah.
00:26:13.515 --> 00:26:18.109
Jacqueline Harvey: and we got stuck somewhere in the boonies between Bargo and Midagong.
00:26:18.110 --> 00:26:18.770
Dani Vee: Oh!
00:26:18.770 --> 00:26:19.690
Rachel Spratt: No.
00:26:19.690 --> 00:26:21.270
Jacqueline Harvey: Move like for an hour, and.
00:26:21.270 --> 00:26:22.020
Dani Vee: In the head like.
00:26:22.020 --> 00:26:24.590
Jacqueline Harvey: Kids already drunk all their water. They'd eaten all their snacks.
00:26:24.590 --> 00:26:25.380
Dani Vee: You.
00:26:25.380 --> 00:26:31.707
Jacqueline Harvey: If a child dies on this trip, and there was no air conditioning in the train.
00:26:32.415 --> 00:26:32.750
Dani Vee: You!
00:26:32.750 --> 00:26:33.070
Rachel Spratt: Always.
00:26:33.070 --> 00:26:33.770
Dani Vee: It is.
00:26:33.770 --> 00:26:35.709
Rachel Spratt: Bt, because they've got wine.
00:26:35.710 --> 00:26:39.499
Jacqueline Harvey: Yeah. Yeah. Well, I couldn't really be drinking wine when I was still in charge of 40 kids.
00:26:39.500 --> 00:26:40.790
Dani Vee: Not going to help the kids, are they?
00:26:40.790 --> 00:26:41.170
Rachel Spratt: Yeah.
00:26:41.170 --> 00:26:45.416
Jacqueline Harvey: So I could have given them wine, perhaps, and you know then they would have all been quiet, so.
00:26:45.640 --> 00:27:03.910
Rachel Spratt: Sammy was going through the Tupperware container cupboard here at home yesterday, and she found, like my Xbt wine bottle, because on the Xbt they have these little plastic wine bottles where the lid is a cup. So you unscrew it, and it's like a glass, and she's like, what is this is the best thing ever, and I'm like xbt wine.
00:27:06.380 --> 00:27:07.000
Jacqueline Harvey: Both.
00:27:07.380 --> 00:27:09.562
Dani Vee: That's why you like the train.
00:27:10.290 --> 00:27:21.620
Rachel Spratt: Actually, they cause it's like run by the government. It's really affordably priced. You can get a wine and cheese and biscuits for like a $12 deal like if you went to some club in Sydney you'd be paying more than $12 just for the glass of wine. You wouldn't.
00:27:21.620 --> 00:27:22.170
Dani Vee: This is.
00:27:22.170 --> 00:27:22.750
Rachel Spratt: Biscuits.
00:27:22.750 --> 00:27:24.839
Dani Vee: This is not a sponsored Ad. By the way.
00:27:24.840 --> 00:27:26.600
Jacqueline Harvey: For the.
00:27:26.851 --> 00:27:44.680
Rachel Spratt: I have the expert because I sleep so well on the Xbt as well, and I've got lots of books written on the Xbt. So I'll love it, anyway, Danny, let's get like you get into your story. I just wanna say, and I'm good. I'll cut this out. Don't worry. But just, Danny, if you need to stand up when Jackie is telling her story, just go for it. Okay.
00:27:44.680 --> 00:27:47.680
Dani Vee: Yeah, I've I've been stretching. I'm fine, and if you need to, just.
00:27:47.680 --> 00:27:51.900
Rachel Spratt: Say I need a break, so I can stand up for 30 seconds. We can edit this as much as you need.
00:27:51.900 --> 00:27:55.300
Dani Vee: And just stand and keep talking. I've been doing it for 4 weeks now. Good.
00:27:55.300 --> 00:28:01.539
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, alright. Okay. So so I'll rein restart you off. So, Danny, what's your story about road trips?
00:28:01.540 --> 00:28:16.279
Dani Vee: Well, it seems that I love road trips, but road trips don't love me, because when I was thinking about this topic, I have about 5 road trip stories I could tell. It's like which one should I tell? Because everything seems to go wrong on every road trip I go to, and I'm still going to keep going on them because I love them.
00:28:16.280 --> 00:28:18.280
Rachel Spratt: Yeah. You were on one just like last week, weren't.
00:28:18.280 --> 00:28:19.929
Dani Vee: I was. Where am I?
00:28:19.930 --> 00:28:20.560
Jacqueline Harvey: Tamworth.
00:28:20.560 --> 00:28:22.559
Dani Vee: Tab with where my windscreen got cracked.
00:28:22.560 --> 00:28:23.890
Jacqueline Harvey: Oh, there's that.
00:28:23.890 --> 00:28:24.460
Rachel Spratt: Josh.
00:28:24.660 --> 00:28:45.360
Dani Vee: But I'll tell. I thought, this is the sort of really unexpected story. So I hadn't taken my kids camping, and I felt like a bad parent, I'm like, oh, I need to take them camping. What kind of a parent am I? So my partner, big Camper? Right? So he has all the stuff. So he's in Melbourne. I'm in Sydney. So we meet halfway in Eden, where that beautiful spot near the beach. I'm totally out of my comfort zone.
00:28:45.360 --> 00:28:59.549
Dani Vee: I really like a nice hotel. Please don't judge me anyone. But I'm like, Okay, I'm going to get into nature. So I actually had a really good time. I felt one with nature. I was getting my Hippy on, you know. I'm a bit of a clean freak as well, so I had to sort of let that go as well.
00:28:59.630 --> 00:29:02.830
Dani Vee: anyway. Wonderful trip! So 5 days.
00:29:03.050 --> 00:29:05.430
Dani Vee: quite a long time in a airbed. Can I say.
00:29:05.430 --> 00:29:05.980
Rachel Spratt: Yeah.
00:29:05.980 --> 00:29:09.600
Dani Vee: Anyway. So I'm like, this is great. I think I'm going to be a camper.
00:29:09.720 --> 00:29:21.440
Dani Vee: So we leave to the campsite 5 days later. You know my partner goes left to go back to Melbourne. I go right waving out the window. What a great time my kids are in the back.
00:29:21.740 --> 00:29:24.020
Dani Vee: and this is where everything starts to go wrong.
00:29:24.080 --> 00:29:25.140
Dani Vee: So
00:29:25.330 --> 00:29:31.829
Dani Vee: about half an hour down the road my battery light comes on, and I'm like, Well, that's strange. I mean, my partner is like, Oh.
00:29:31.870 --> 00:29:34.099
Dani Vee: never trust your partner, who doesn't know anything about cars.
00:29:34.100 --> 00:29:34.600
Rachel Spratt: Yeah.
00:29:34.600 --> 00:29:40.230
Dani Vee: He's like, oh, it's probably cause you haven't driven your car for 5 days. I'm sure it'll be fine. I'm like sure to be fine.
00:29:40.340 --> 00:29:41.819
Dani Vee: So I keep dropping
00:29:41.960 --> 00:29:50.200
Dani Vee: for a split second. I'm like, should I stop at this service station? I'm like, I'll be right because I'm such an optimistic person I'm like, I'll be right.
00:29:50.270 --> 00:30:01.429
Dani Vee: So I'm somewhere in Bagha. And for some reason my GPS and I just follow my GPS blindly all the time. It just takes me down these roads like if you've seen Wolf Creek. It was those kind of.
00:30:01.430 --> 00:30:02.750
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, yeah, yeah.
00:30:02.750 --> 00:30:08.840
Dani Vee: And I'm like, Okay, battery lot. Another lot comes on my dash, and then another light comes to my desk to my.
00:30:08.840 --> 00:30:10.100
Rachel Spratt: Oh no!
00:30:10.100 --> 00:30:11.487
Dani Vee: Pretty new, right?
00:30:11.950 --> 00:30:14.750
Rachel Spratt: Like vivid on the inside. There's so many lights going off.
00:30:14.750 --> 00:30:27.200
Dani Vee: Oh, no! Oh, no! I've made a bad decision here like I should have stopped at the survey, but it's too late. So I've stopped in this very well. Actually all the lights come on. And then the air conditioning stops working, and then my steering stops working.
00:30:27.200 --> 00:30:28.480
Rachel Spratt: Oh, my! Gosh!
00:30:28.480 --> 00:30:32.961
Dani Vee: Seizes up. So I'm in the middle of Wolf Creek. It's not really, but it feels like.
00:30:33.210 --> 00:30:33.909
Rachel Spratt: We'll call it that.
00:30:33.910 --> 00:30:35.090
Dani Vee: You're just waiting for.
00:30:35.090 --> 00:30:37.760
Jacqueline Harvey: The white van to come with the white white truck to come.
00:30:37.760 --> 00:30:55.209
Dani Vee: I really was. I really was. And then I've got my 2 kids in the car. It's really hot. We've got about half a bottle of water each. There's service. Only if I like, walk up to this tree, and I don't want to stay in the car right? I'm a bit scared. So I'm like, Okay, kids, let's come up here. So we walk up. So we're kind of hiding behind this tree. So the white van doesn't come and get me right.
00:30:55.210 --> 00:30:56.109
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, yeah.
00:30:56.110 --> 00:31:02.150
Dani Vee: And so I'm like, what do I do? I'm bringing roadside service, and I'm like, I've got 2 kids here. You gotta come and you gotta help me right.
00:31:02.150 --> 00:31:02.820
Rachel Spratt: Yeah.
00:31:02.820 --> 00:31:12.749
Dani Vee: And it's nearing towards midday, which becomes important in a minute. So I'm on the phone and they're really great. He's like, I'm coming right now, but it's bigger. He's got a bit of a way to travel.
00:31:12.750 --> 00:31:13.440
Rachel Spratt: Yeah.
00:31:13.440 --> 00:31:24.739
Dani Vee: That 20 min he's there, and I'm like, Oh, he's gonna get me back on the road. He's gonna get me back on the road. So we come down. I'm like, Thank you so much. Can't wait to get back on the road, and then he pulls out my fan belt like it's spaghetti.
00:31:25.250 --> 00:31:25.760
Jacqueline Harvey: Oh!
00:31:26.003 --> 00:31:26.490
Rachel Spratt: My God!
00:31:26.490 --> 00:31:36.579
Dani Vee: Not. I know nothing about cars. Right? I'm like, oh, so you've got to spare one of those to fix it. It looks at me like. No, it was Saturday, and he's like this isn't going to be fixed till at least Tuesday, and I'm like.
00:31:36.580 --> 00:31:37.140
Rachel Spratt: Yeah.
00:31:37.140 --> 00:31:51.829
Dani Vee: Oh, my God! What do I do? What do I do like? I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere. There's no accommodation, because it's holiday period. I do have a tent, but I'm not keen on camping by myself with the kids and my partner's only 2 h the other direction, right? So 4 h back, or whatever.
00:31:51.830 --> 00:31:52.440
Rachel Spratt: Yeah.
00:31:52.440 --> 00:32:00.929
Dani Vee: And so I'm like, what do I do? What do I do? So I'm like, Okay, because I'd broken the trip up. And I had a hotel booked for Canberra because I didn't want to do a massive 6 h trip with my kids.
00:32:00.930 --> 00:32:24.070
Dani Vee: All I've got to do is get to Canberra. I'm like thinking all the modes of transport. I'm thinking I could catch a train. I could do this. I could do that. Uber's going to be too expensive. So I'm ringing up car high places, and it's 10 to 12, and they're all closed right? I'm like, so I ring up one. And I said, Look, can you just like wait for me? He's like I've got to go at 12. I've got something on, and I'm like, Oh, my God, what do I do? What do I do? So this roadside assistance guy goes.
00:32:24.070 --> 00:32:25.479
Dani Vee: get in. And I'm like.
00:32:26.370 --> 00:32:27.450
Dani Vee: okay.
00:32:28.340 --> 00:32:31.570
Dani Vee: But before that I've actually forgotten the major part of the story
00:32:32.180 --> 00:32:34.139
Dani Vee: as he takes out the fan belt.
00:32:34.370 --> 00:32:44.729
Dani Vee: It's like spaghetti. He looks into the the the boot, and he goes oh, there's your problem, and so I get my head in under the bonnet, and there's a giant rat.
00:32:45.040 --> 00:32:46.440
Rachel Spratt: Oh, my! Gosh!
00:32:46.440 --> 00:32:48.925
Dani Vee: A dog sized rat in.
00:32:49.920 --> 00:32:50.680
Rachel Spratt: A fan, belt.
00:32:50.680 --> 00:32:58.329
Dani Vee: It had, it had somehow gotten into my boot for warmth and had I've got. I'm very bad at cars as you can.
00:32:58.330 --> 00:33:01.230
Rachel Spratt: Yeah. Yeah. Well, one's 1 end, one's the other. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
00:33:01.230 --> 00:33:12.389
Dani Vee: Cars don't impress me unless it's a food shop. So anyway. So he's in the bonnet. There's this giant rat. It's like a dog-sized wombat size rat. And he's just like all casual bat. Oh, there's your problem. I'm like.
00:33:12.450 --> 00:33:14.439
Dani Vee: what he's like, yeah, happens. What's it? Yeah.
00:33:14.440 --> 00:33:15.290
Rachel Spratt: Do a lot.
00:33:15.290 --> 00:33:17.680
Jacqueline Harvey: Yeah. Is it fried, or is it? Is it live?
00:33:17.840 --> 00:33:19.729
Dani Vee: It's not alive. I'm sorry this is not.
00:33:19.730 --> 00:33:20.530
Rachel Spratt: Oh!
00:33:20.857 --> 00:33:29.360
Dani Vee: Not a happy ending. He got caught in the he goes. This happens all the time, and I'm like this happens all the time.
00:33:29.360 --> 00:33:30.790
Rachel Spratt: Yeah. It's happened to me.
00:33:30.790 --> 00:33:31.576
Dani Vee: Oh, really.
00:33:31.970 --> 00:33:32.300
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, I.
00:33:32.300 --> 00:33:32.680
Jacqueline Harvey: And.
00:33:32.680 --> 00:33:35.520
Rachel Spratt: Mice eat the coolant out of.
00:33:35.520 --> 00:33:36.950
Dani Vee: Yeah, oh, wow.
00:33:36.950 --> 00:33:40.639
Rachel Spratt: Damage, and they brought all these tambourines in as well, because they were.
00:33:40.640 --> 00:33:42.270
Dani Vee: It's doing. Wow, at least.
00:33:42.270 --> 00:33:43.900
Jacqueline Harvey: It wasn't a 6 foot black snake.
00:33:43.900 --> 00:34:06.170
Dani Vee: Oh, God! It could have been! But at that time there was nothing worse. So anyway, he just goes, get in. So I'm like, I looked at my kids. I'm like, just grab a bag of stuff that you might need right? So we just grab out whatever we're not even thinking we get in the car, and my kids are in the back. I'm like, is this the day that, like we're not going to come home? And is this the day, so I'm in the front, and of course he's going these back roads, and I'm just like.
00:34:06.170 --> 00:34:13.681
Dani Vee: Oh, I could close this replay Wolf Creek in my head right. Anyway, he was an absolute legend. He got me there at like 1159 right.
00:34:13.960 --> 00:34:15.320
Rachel Spratt: Oh, awesome!
00:34:15.320 --> 00:34:30.670
Dani Vee: And he's like I'll deal with your car. I'll take it to the car yard. I'll send you the details, and I'm like, you know what that's next week's problem. I don't even care gave him the keys. He can sort that out right. So then I get the hire car with like 1 min to spend just throwing my license at him, throwing my car down.
00:34:30.670 --> 00:34:31.670
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, yeah.
00:34:31.670 --> 00:34:32.420
Dani Vee: We get in the car.
00:34:32.420 --> 00:34:35.399
Rachel Spratt: Your your your wedding ring, your engagement's ring, tap, whatever.
00:34:35.409 --> 00:34:36.109
Dani Vee: Much of it.
00:34:37.120 --> 00:34:42.170
Jacqueline Harvey: And I don't care that this is a 1 way trip. So it's going to cost me $16,000.
00:34:42.179 --> 00:34:43.459
Dani Vee: Exactly. I'm not.
00:34:43.460 --> 00:34:45.540
Rachel Spratt: Dead in the forest. Yay!
00:34:45.540 --> 00:35:04.609
Dani Vee: Exactly. I was so happy just not to be dead in the forest. And then I was. I was gone to Canberra. So I'm like it's just let's get to Canberra. So this biggest sigh of relief was like pulling up into the car park, and I think I just sat in the car park for 10 min, just going. Oh, we made it so we didn't leave. We just went up, you know. You just need some comfort. Just went under the do not, ordered pizza didn't leave.
00:35:04.610 --> 00:35:05.360
Rachel Spratt: Yeah.
00:35:05.360 --> 00:35:21.789
Dani Vee: Drove the car home the next day, which was, you know, obviously that was all. Another problem. The next week, getting the car back, getting my car fixed, which my dad actually helped me with. But yeah, that was the road trip that the kids still talk about, and probably will always talk about, and it almost doesn't sound like a real story.
00:35:22.050 --> 00:35:31.619
Rachel Spratt: But it's awesome, because that's when your kids see you at your sort of bravest and most vulnerable, and it is like they do get this insight into your character, and what you.
00:35:31.620 --> 00:35:32.160
Dani Vee: Yeah.
00:35:32.382 --> 00:35:34.380
Rachel Spratt: Because your pet, your kid's always like mom.
00:35:34.380 --> 00:35:34.849
Dani Vee: But then.
00:35:34.850 --> 00:35:42.199
Rachel Spratt: When something really happens, and they says they say, Well, Mom can get stuff done. It might be a little bit emotional at times, but Mom can get make stuff.
00:35:42.200 --> 00:35:52.540
Dani Vee: Happened, you know. I think if I was by myself I probably would have had a mental breakdown. But I think there's something about being responsible for 2 tiny humans that you're like. I gotta keep my stuff together.
00:35:52.540 --> 00:35:52.940
Rachel Spratt: Yeah.
00:35:52.940 --> 00:35:56.429
Dani Vee: I can lose it later. This is not the time, so.
00:35:56.430 --> 00:35:57.620
Rachel Spratt: The Chardonnay will wait.
00:35:57.839 --> 00:36:05.750
Dani Vee: I was like, stand behind the tree. Get your water, do this, do that like I was like a machine. And then when I got to camera. I was like, Oh, my God! That was terrible!
00:36:07.290 --> 00:36:07.859
Jacqueline Harvey: It's
00:36:08.430 --> 00:36:09.210
Rachel Spratt: Awesome.
00:36:09.210 --> 00:36:31.770
Jacqueline Harvey: Funny, Danny, you keep. You keep referencing the the Wolf Creek reference. And years ago, when Ian and I, we were taking Olivia. She was probably only about gosh, she's probably like 12 at the time, and we we would. We did a road trip down the south coast. We decided that we would go via Aiden, and bigger, and go to Melbourne that way.
00:36:31.770 --> 00:36:41.419
Jacqueline Harvey: And when we were in that forest part between the New South Wales border, and before you get to any towns in in Victoria.
00:36:41.560 --> 00:36:48.640
Jacqueline Harvey: this truck that I swear belonged to that Bradley guy who was the, you know the murderer
00:36:49.700 --> 00:36:51.720
Jacqueline Harvey: had the the dog cages on the back.
00:36:51.720 --> 00:36:52.430
Dani Vee: Laura.
00:36:52.430 --> 00:36:53.130
Rachel Spratt: And it was.
00:36:53.130 --> 00:36:57.540
Jacqueline Harvey: Right at that period of time, and I remember he was following us in the bush.
00:36:57.600 --> 00:36:58.260
Rachel Spratt: That.
00:36:58.555 --> 00:36:58.850
Dani Vee: Like.
00:36:58.850 --> 00:37:14.310
Jacqueline Harvey: And I think that's the guy that they're looking for. You know the one that's murdered those people. What was his name? That the young Englishman that you know it was terrible, that whole affair. But honestly, the whole way to, you know, until we we shook him off, I thought, that's it. We're gonna end up, you know.
00:37:14.310 --> 00:37:22.345
Rachel Spratt: He was probably driving along on his own thinking. I'm so scared driving to the forest. I'll stay really close to this nice family.
00:37:22.905 --> 00:37:25.839
Jacqueline Harvey: Yeah, that was that was funny, though it was in the same location.
00:37:25.840 --> 00:37:27.090
Dani Vee: She was that day.
00:37:27.090 --> 00:37:27.569
Jacqueline Harvey: Annie, and.
00:37:27.570 --> 00:37:41.259
Dani Vee: It is funny, so I don't know why I still love a road trip, but I do, and I was. I was saying, off air, I said, I'll just tell another really quick story just to tell you how much road trips hate me. My, we're going to road trip in America. I was with my family, my mom, her husband.
00:37:41.260 --> 00:37:42.910
Rachel Spratt: Not a rush. Tell a story.
00:37:43.340 --> 00:37:44.640
Dani Vee: Like alright. Well.
00:37:44.640 --> 00:37:46.769
Jacqueline Harvey: Tim's not here to share a story today. So we've got to.
00:37:46.770 --> 00:37:47.110
Dani Vee: Well.
00:37:47.110 --> 00:37:47.650
Jacqueline Harvey: So I'm.
00:37:47.650 --> 00:37:48.650
Dani Vee: Slow down. Then
00:37:49.436 --> 00:37:53.439
Dani Vee: he he always gets sick overseas, because, like I love my child. But you know.
00:37:53.440 --> 00:37:53.950
Rachel Spratt: Yeah.
00:37:53.950 --> 00:37:56.050
Dani Vee: Wild, and loves to lick everything, and put his.
00:37:56.050 --> 00:37:57.590
Rachel Spratt: Oh! They run their heads!
00:37:57.590 --> 00:37:57.910
Dani Vee: In, the.
00:37:57.910 --> 00:37:58.850
Rachel Spratt: Once my daughter.
00:37:59.180 --> 00:38:08.879
Rachel Spratt: I was at the butchers, and I was ordering. I turned, and she was like, had her tongue on the glass of the display, and was running it all the way along from one side to the other. I'm like.
00:38:09.710 --> 00:38:14.210
Dani Vee: The good news is later on their immune system will be amazing. But right now not so good, so.
00:38:14.210 --> 00:38:18.759
Rachel Spratt: Did you have young kids in Covid? Wasn't it impossible to get them to stop touching things.
00:38:18.760 --> 00:38:23.686
Dani Vee: Yeah, I don't know what happened, but I'm gonna knock on wood here. We didn't get it. We still haven't had it.
00:38:23.910 --> 00:38:27.840
Rachel Spratt: Well, my youngest never got it, but I swear to God it's because she touched every single.
00:38:27.840 --> 00:38:28.250
Dani Vee: Yeah.
00:38:28.250 --> 00:38:29.280
Rachel Spratt: In Sydney.
00:38:29.280 --> 00:38:30.130
Dani Vee: That's what I.
00:38:30.130 --> 00:38:31.109
Rachel Spratt: Her hands.
00:38:31.110 --> 00:38:31.450
Dani Vee: In a.
00:38:31.450 --> 00:38:32.460
Rachel Spratt: Is immune to everything.
00:38:32.460 --> 00:38:36.200
Dani Vee: I think my son made us all immune with his licking everything. So
00:38:36.940 --> 00:38:59.749
Dani Vee: so, anyway. So we we stopped this road trip. We're back to get onto a plane at home. So you know, 14 h, or whatever it is. And he, we've been to the doctor, which in America cost you a million dollars. We did. That got him test. He just had a bug right, gave him the stop vomit tablets, whatever. So we thought, okay, we're sweet, you know, when you put your luggage in and you see it disappear down the shoot you're like, I'm not gonna see my luggage for another 14 h. Goodbye.
00:38:59.750 --> 00:39:00.309
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, yeah.
00:39:00.310 --> 00:39:03.389
Dani Vee: That was the point that my son decided to throw up in my hair.
00:39:05.660 --> 00:39:17.700
Dani Vee: And I'm like Oh, oh, oh, my! Oh, oh! So my luggage is gone. I've got a vomit all over my top all over my hair. It's not a great look, and I'm like again, eternal Optimus. It's okay. When we go to the other side, I'm gonna.
00:39:17.700 --> 00:39:18.130
Jacqueline Harvey: To be sure.
00:39:18.130 --> 00:39:23.759
Dani Vee: Always close. Put them in the bin, go the shops, wash my hair in the sink, I'll be fine. It'll be fine.
00:39:23.790 --> 00:39:26.882
Dani Vee: I go across. It's 1 of those airports that don't have any shops.
00:39:27.120 --> 00:39:28.440
Rachel Spratt: What is that? I hate the.
00:39:28.440 --> 00:39:29.610
Dani Vee: And looks like that.
00:39:29.620 --> 00:39:44.179
Dani Vee: So I'm like, Oh, okay, let's see what I can do here. So I just go into the bathroom. I take off my top layer because that's finished the bottom layer. I'm a bit cold. Not much. I can do washing my hair in the sink, you know, again not great. So I plait my hair so it's at least.
00:39:44.240 --> 00:39:53.969
Dani Vee: you know. Yes, can change right, and we go back out, and everyone's standing vomit all over me, and that the airport people coming over. He can't travel if he seek, he can't travel.
00:39:53.970 --> 00:39:55.080
Jacqueline Harvey: Oh, well, he's not.
00:39:55.080 --> 00:39:57.740
Rachel Spratt: Anymore, 6 on you.
00:39:57.740 --> 00:40:11.670
Dani Vee: He's just classic. It's fine. So it was really late when we got so he just went to sleep. So we just carried him onto the plane, and then I stuck him in the corner of the plane with a blanket with a sick bag, and I just sat there for 14 h smelling like vomit.
00:40:11.670 --> 00:40:12.390
Jacqueline Harvey: Order.
00:40:12.946 --> 00:40:14.060
Dani Vee: I think.
00:40:14.060 --> 00:40:15.650
Rachel Spratt: We endure as mothers.
00:40:15.650 --> 00:40:20.107
Dani Vee: As we touched down, I said, don't even think about anyone heading to that shower before me.
00:40:21.306 --> 00:40:23.179
Jacqueline Harvey: That's horrible!
00:40:23.180 --> 00:40:52.169
Rachel Spratt: I was on the Eurostar from Paris to London with my mother and my 2 children, and Sammy would have been 6 and nearly 7, and I was so over all 3 of them. We'd been traveling for 2 weeks, and I wanted to murder them, but I couldn't, because responsible adult. But I was asleep because narcolepsy, so I'm in my seat asleep, and just think my mother can deal with them. She's playing cards with them or something, and I'm just fast asleep. But still part of your mother brain never.
00:40:52.170 --> 00:40:53.399
Dani Vee: Sleeps. It's true.
00:40:53.400 --> 00:40:59.310
Rachel Spratt: I'm there, and Sammy gets car sick, so I'm there, and I just hear her make this noise like.
00:41:00.320 --> 00:41:00.879
Rachel Spratt: and I know.
00:41:01.305 --> 00:41:01.730
Jacqueline Harvey: It's.
00:41:01.730 --> 00:41:02.500
Rachel Spratt: It's on.
00:41:02.500 --> 00:41:03.480
Dani Vee: It's all so.
00:41:03.480 --> 00:41:09.909
Rachel Spratt: In in less than a second. I'm a hundred percent awake. There was like they'd got some pringles as small pringle tubes.
00:41:10.010 --> 00:41:15.190
Rachel Spratt: I throw the pringles out of the tube, shove it in her face.
00:41:15.350 --> 00:41:20.120
Rachel Spratt: Vomit shoots out until the pringle tube is brimful.
00:41:20.946 --> 00:41:21.300
Rachel Spratt: I hope.
00:41:21.300 --> 00:41:22.270
Jacqueline Harvey: Nobody's eating lunch.
00:41:22.270 --> 00:41:28.540
Rachel Spratt: Put it on the table in front of me, and I think that is the single, most athletic, impressive thing.
00:41:28.540 --> 00:41:29.080
Dani Vee: Wow!
00:41:29.080 --> 00:41:30.590
Rachel Spratt: Some mother like to just.
00:41:30.590 --> 00:41:31.140
Dani Vee: Never.
00:41:31.371 --> 00:41:33.690
Rachel Spratt: Asleep to catch in a full vomit in a pringles.
00:41:33.690 --> 00:41:36.690
Dani Vee: I'm never gonna look at Pringles the same again. It's actually.
00:41:36.690 --> 00:41:40.959
Rachel Spratt: Just the right side for it. And also it's it's the right. It's the right aperture to shove on. There.
00:41:40.960 --> 00:41:41.960
Dani Vee: Wow! Wow!
00:41:42.192 --> 00:41:43.820
Jacqueline Harvey: Just lucky I hate them, anyway, so.
00:41:43.820 --> 00:41:46.160
Dani Vee: Try not to think about that ever again.
00:41:46.160 --> 00:41:51.630
Rachel Spratt: Or the other alternative is, go, buy yourself a tube of pringles, chuck out the chips, and just keep that tube in the back.
00:41:51.630 --> 00:41:53.019
Dani Vee: In the back of the.
00:41:53.430 --> 00:41:56.289
Dani Vee: I've no doubt. In the back seat there's probably is one from my.
00:41:56.290 --> 00:41:58.909
Rachel Spratt: Exactly. That's exactly right. Yeah, yeah.
00:42:00.140 --> 00:42:02.600
Dani Vee: We need a warning before this podcast.
00:42:02.600 --> 00:42:03.290
Jacqueline Harvey: Yes, but.
00:42:03.290 --> 00:42:04.240
Dani Vee: I'll be eating lunch.
00:42:04.240 --> 00:42:33.167
Jacqueline Harvey: That'd be eating. And frankly, don't be eating any pringles. Yes, definitely well, I'm gonna tell you some. I'm gonna tell you a a road trip story. But I'll I'll start with that. I I quite like a road trip. When I was young, Danny I used to be the kid in the back back of the car he would get classic, and that was pretty gross and but over time, you know, that dissipated. So that was good, but I'll just say my grandparents used to like a good road trip. Both of my grandparents liked a good road trip, and
00:42:33.600 --> 00:42:39.539
Jacqueline Harvey: I remember my dad's parents once took one of my sisters and I to Forbes, and and we drove through a locust.
00:42:39.540 --> 00:42:41.610
Rachel Spratt: What is there in Forbes.
00:42:41.610 --> 00:42:43.709
Jacqueline Harvey: Our our relatives, and so
00:42:44.410 --> 00:42:48.600
Rachel Spratt: The locust plague then, like. So it was a Biblical experience for you. Did they have like.
00:42:48.600 --> 00:42:49.330
Jacqueline Harvey: Totally.
00:42:49.330 --> 00:42:50.850
Rachel Spratt: Like a frogs as well.
00:42:50.850 --> 00:42:54.789
Jacqueline Harvey: Locust play, and you know, and they were just splatting on the windscreen and.
00:42:54.790 --> 00:42:55.339
Rachel Spratt: You know, and then.
00:42:55.340 --> 00:42:55.790
Jacqueline Harvey: Like.
00:42:56.105 --> 00:42:56.420
Rachel Spratt: Sheet.
00:42:56.420 --> 00:42:56.770
Jacqueline Harvey: Yeah, that.
00:42:56.770 --> 00:42:57.120
Dani Vee: Of all.
00:42:57.120 --> 00:43:01.349
Jacqueline Harvey: And so that was a pretty amazing experience. I was like probably only about 6 or 7 at the time.
00:43:01.350 --> 00:43:02.160
Dani Vee: Huts.
00:43:02.160 --> 00:43:14.429
Jacqueline Harvey: We stayed in this old pub, and the pub had a it had a veranda on the front that sloped so badly like you had to kind of you know. Hold on to yourself to go to the edge of the veranda.
00:43:14.460 --> 00:43:20.620
Jacqueline Harvey: but I do remember. We we had breakfast there. It's the 1st time I think I'd ever stayed in a hotel or mobile.
00:43:20.620 --> 00:43:21.189
Rachel Spratt: It was.
00:43:21.190 --> 00:43:42.959
Jacqueline Harvey: It was a hotel fancy, you know. It was an old pub, basically, but it was, you know, to my 7 year old since self who've never been anywhere. It was pretty fancy, and I remember they had pineapple juice at breakfast, and that has given me a life long love of if I'm in a hotel and they have pineapple juice, I have to have some pineapple juice, even if it's just a tiny little amount to remind me of my.
00:43:42.960 --> 00:43:43.570
Dani Vee: I love it.
00:43:44.496 --> 00:43:46.350
Jacqueline Harvey: Hotel experience.
00:43:46.490 --> 00:44:16.290
Jacqueline Harvey: So those grandparents that was they. They didn't take us on very many trips, but my other grandparents used to take me every every summer I'd go with my Nana and granddad, and we'd go up to Raymond Terrace because my Nan sister lived in Raymond Terrace, but my grandad was a smoker, and so oh, it was like height of summer in the old they had a they had a very one of the very 1st commodores that came out, and it had, you know, vinyl seats. So you'd be basically.
00:44:16.290 --> 00:44:17.670
Rachel Spratt: Oh!
00:44:17.670 --> 00:44:23.439
Jacqueline Harvey: Stay in the back, and my granddad, it'd be, you know, sucking on a fag in the front, and and Nano tight.
00:44:23.440 --> 00:44:25.119
Rachel Spratt: Ok, Jackie, do you want to resell that sense.
00:44:25.120 --> 00:44:32.215
Jacqueline Harvey: So sucking on a cigarette. Sorry? Yes, my granddad would be sucking on his cigarette in the front, and
00:44:32.880 --> 00:44:43.030
Jacqueline Harvey: anyway, my manner would be Charlie. Put that thing out. It's disgusting, you know. Colin, because his name, his real name was Colin, but Nana used to call him Charlie. Anyway, I remember.
00:44:43.030 --> 00:44:46.329
Rachel Spratt: What? Because there's another man she liked better called Charlie.
00:44:46.700 --> 00:44:50.539
Jacqueline Harvey: My grandad, you know how people of that generation always have like 2 names. Yeah.
00:44:50.540 --> 00:44:51.939
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, I'm.
00:44:51.940 --> 00:44:59.577
Jacqueline Harvey: My Nana's real name was Edna, and I sorry was Bonnie, and her name was Bonnie Edna, and she got instead of getting bonnie. She got Edna.
00:44:59.850 --> 00:45:00.380
Dani Vee: It was a.
00:45:00.800 --> 00:45:01.500
Dani Vee: Wasn't. It was a.
00:45:01.500 --> 00:45:02.750
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, my.
00:45:02.750 --> 00:45:04.929
Jacqueline Harvey: Called Grandad Charlie, instead of Colin.
00:45:04.930 --> 00:45:10.609
Rachel Spratt: She had a great aunt, and her real name was Margaret, but everyone called escape like like everyone.
00:45:10.610 --> 00:45:25.729
Jacqueline Harvey: So my Nan would be, you know, berating grandad for smoking while I'm in the car, and I'd be literally hanging out the window trying to gasp for breath. So you know, that was a the the best thing about that was we'd get to Raymond Terrace, and we'd always go fishing, and and
00:45:26.000 --> 00:45:26.599
Rachel Spratt: The cat's looks.
00:45:26.600 --> 00:45:33.469
Jacqueline Harvey: Lots of fish. But anyway, so I started my road tripping experience as a young kid, mostly with my grandparents.
00:45:33.490 --> 00:45:38.990
Jacqueline Harvey: And anyway, we've we've graduated to much more much fancier road trips than that.
00:45:39.330 --> 00:46:02.410
Jacqueline Harvey: And last year my husband and I and some friends. We went to France for about nearly 6 weeks, and so we hired a car, and we had a big car because there was 4 of us and lots of luggage and our friends. They travel with more luggage than we do, so I was very, very impressed with my packing skills for the whole time, but anyway, it was very funny, because, you know, we
00:46:02.410 --> 00:46:13.409
Jacqueline Harvey: 1st of all, driving on the other side of the road is a challenge in itself, and fortunately my husband is is very good at it. He's done it lots and lots of times he's been to Europe and driven in America. And what have you.
00:46:13.560 --> 00:46:15.880
Jacqueline Harvey: anyway? So.
00:46:16.140 --> 00:46:22.530
Jacqueline Harvey: But the thing was Ian. I offered to drive some of the time, but he just you know he never gave up that driver's seat even didn't matter
00:46:23.595 --> 00:46:48.539
Jacqueline Harvey: giving that up and shy now, friend, he was like, oh, I could drive in, and it's like, No, I know it's fine shine you you stop in the back, anyway. The sort of funny part of this story is that every time we get in the car, you know, and Jenny and I would be you would be like. Oh, look at this shadow on the hill! Oh, look at that incredible bridge! Or look at this! Look at that! And we'd say, Shane, did you see such and such, and I'd look in in the over my shoulder and shine in the back seat.
00:46:49.607 --> 00:46:55.190
Jacqueline Harvey: And so we basically, I would be taking selfies of like.
00:46:56.030 --> 00:47:04.719
Jacqueline Harvey: But it was really not me. It was really a sleep in the back. And so my husband, he, Ian, always puts together these fantastic
00:47:05.390 --> 00:47:11.690
Jacqueline Harvey: books of our trips. And and so we've got a whole section dedicated to Shane, being a.
00:47:11.690 --> 00:47:12.349
Dani Vee: I love it.
00:47:12.350 --> 00:47:18.100
Jacqueline Harvey: In the back of the car. So we've got like a caption, Shane sleeping his way around France.
00:47:18.420 --> 00:47:20.790
Dani Vee: That's what would happen if we took Rachel anyway.
00:47:20.790 --> 00:47:21.950
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, yeah.
00:47:22.170 --> 00:47:22.840
Jacqueline Harvey: We will.
00:47:22.840 --> 00:47:23.719
Dani Vee: Do? I.
00:47:23.720 --> 00:47:31.360
Jacqueline Harvey: I think we would, too. Yeah, actually, it reminds me of a a another. I know we've got a couple of minutes because we we don't have Tim to contribute.
00:47:31.720 --> 00:47:32.440
Rachel Spratt: We didn't.
00:47:32.440 --> 00:47:38.079
Jacqueline Harvey: Road trip across. We we did a road trip from La
00:47:38.260 --> 00:47:41.930
Jacqueline Harvey: to we went from LA. And then we went
00:47:42.190 --> 00:47:51.040
Jacqueline Harvey: across. We went to Nevada, and we went. We were going to Las Vegas, and it was at between Christmas and New Year.
00:47:51.310 --> 00:48:07.939
Jacqueline Harvey: and Olivia was with us. So this is only a a few years ago I was probably about it was like 2015, 2016. So a while ago, and this trip started off 1st of all. I got told off by one of the flight attendants because Ian and I.
00:48:07.940 --> 00:48:09.100
Rachel Spratt: Drunk on the plane.
00:48:09.100 --> 00:48:13.739
Jacqueline Harvey: We were. We were sitting closer to the front than Olivia was, and anyway.
00:48:14.620 --> 00:48:15.019
Jacqueline Harvey: I think you
00:48:16.620 --> 00:48:19.390
Jacqueline Harvey: she's sitting in further down the back.
00:48:19.670 --> 00:48:34.480
Jacqueline Harvey: and she knew a couple of flight attendants who worked for the airline that we're on, and this guy comes up to me and he says, Excuse me, are you? Olivia? Harvey's mother? And I said stepmother, and he said, Well, you're really able, stepmother.
00:48:36.690 --> 00:48:49.167
Jacqueline Harvey: because you've made her sit down there, and you're up here, and I said, she's 25 years old. She has her own money.
00:48:49.710 --> 00:48:50.310
Dani Vee: But the.
00:48:50.310 --> 00:48:53.009
Jacqueline Harvey: Anyway. So that started started like that.
00:48:53.010 --> 00:48:55.050
Rachel Spratt: Might interrupt with a little story. There.
00:48:55.050 --> 00:48:55.740
Jacqueline Harvey: So.
00:48:55.740 --> 00:49:21.960
Rachel Spratt: So my husband, he's a theater producer, and he had a show, and one of the people in his show was Jeff Harvey before he passed away. And so he's toured with Jeff a couple of times, and Jeff is such like. I can honestly say he's a huge drunk, and his wife would back me up. He was so much fun, but he was a great prankster and a storyteller, and he lived in the Highlands, too, so they'd been on tour all around Australia, and they were getting the train from Sydney from the airport back home.
00:49:22.140 --> 00:49:29.420
Rachel Spratt: and they're on the train, and my husband's sitting there, and Jeff Harvey's a few seats back, and that the conductor comes up and says.
00:49:29.770 --> 00:49:41.060
Rachel Spratt: Excuse me, sir, there's been a complaint about you to my husband, and he's like what, and he's like. The elderly gentleman back there says that he's frightened of you, and he'd like me to remove you from the train.
00:49:42.210 --> 00:49:43.730
Dani Vee: I love a good prank.
00:49:44.130 --> 00:49:44.829
Rachel Spratt: I don't know.
00:49:44.830 --> 00:49:56.159
Dani Vee: Ask, though, because I put my rat story into my J. Fig, that's coming out in September. So Riley's felt. We've got to breaking a school record. I was like this needs to go into a story because it doesn't even sound real.
00:49:56.160 --> 00:49:56.820
Rachel Spratt: No.
00:49:56.820 --> 00:50:01.114
Dani Vee: So I make sure I use all these horrible things that happen to me, so at least I turn them into comedy.
00:50:01.310 --> 00:50:01.800
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, yeah.
00:50:01.800 --> 00:50:03.180
Dani Vee: And did you take a photo.
00:50:03.180 --> 00:50:03.820
Rachel Spratt: But the rat.
00:50:03.820 --> 00:50:07.240
Dani Vee: I couldn't take a foot of the rat. I was very
00:50:07.280 --> 00:50:10.100
Dani Vee: so. I'll just ask, did any of your stories make it into.
00:50:10.100 --> 00:50:11.300
Jacqueline Harvey: Oh, lots of my story.
00:50:11.300 --> 00:50:11.840
Dani Vee: Yeah.
00:50:11.840 --> 00:50:19.229
Jacqueline Harvey: Books. Yeah, absolutely. They, you know, they totally fodder, for you know there might be some a tiny way, bit of truth in it, and then you can.
00:50:19.230 --> 00:50:19.920
Dani Vee: Yeah, yeah.
00:50:19.920 --> 00:50:20.790
Jacqueline Harvey: Graduated, but.
00:50:20.790 --> 00:50:21.269
Rachel Spratt: So I.
00:50:21.270 --> 00:50:21.810
Jacqueline Harvey: Secondly.
00:50:21.810 --> 00:50:22.590
Rachel Spratt: People out and put.
00:50:22.590 --> 00:50:23.890
Jacqueline Harvey: Definitely so when.
00:50:23.890 --> 00:50:27.611
Dani Vee: Anything terrible happens. I'm like that's terrible. And then, half an hour later, I'm like,
00:50:27.860 --> 00:50:31.960
Jacqueline Harvey: That's a great idea for a story. Exactly. That's why we do what we do. They love meat in.
00:50:31.960 --> 00:50:33.479
Rachel Spratt: Dreadful people like when I meet
00:50:33.810 --> 00:50:38.140
Rachel Spratt: really horrible and unnecessarily rude, I'm like, Oh.
00:50:38.140 --> 00:50:39.149
Dani Vee: You know Rachel.
00:50:39.150 --> 00:50:46.820
Jacqueline Harvey: I I do that in schools. I ask kids. I always say to kids, sorry, tell me about your teacher. Yeah, I'll go. Oh, that's disappointing.
00:50:47.310 --> 00:50:48.290
Dani Vee: I'm like.
00:50:48.780 --> 00:50:55.104
Jacqueline Harvey: Cause. I only want to hear about the really eager ones, and I occasionally I get a kid who'll go. Oh, I'll tell you, Martin, about mine.
00:50:55.330 --> 00:50:57.639
Dani Vee: Yeah, but I'll be.
00:50:57.640 --> 00:50:58.230
Jacqueline Harvey: Understand.
00:50:58.230 --> 00:50:59.310
Rachel Spratt: Yeah. Finishing storage.
00:50:59.310 --> 00:51:02.532
Jacqueline Harvey: Data story. So so anyway, we're good. We're driving
00:51:03.040 --> 00:51:20.468
Jacqueline Harvey: We're driving to Nevada and olivia's with us and in the car, and and we stop at this. We have. We need some fuel, and so we stop at this truck. Stop in the middle of nowhere, and and Olivia's like. Oh, I really want something to eat, I said. Are you sure?
00:51:22.350 --> 00:51:23.770
Jacqueline Harvey: And it was one of those? And you're like.
00:51:23.770 --> 00:51:24.340
Rachel Spratt: Maybe not.
00:51:24.340 --> 00:51:25.039
Jacqueline Harvey: Protein. We can.
00:51:25.040 --> 00:51:27.830
Rachel Spratt: Get you some, meth, or some heroin, but not food.
00:51:27.830 --> 00:51:36.410
Jacqueline Harvey: It then says, like a big sign, it says, your last chance to shoot an Ak 47. Before leaving. You know this area.
00:51:36.410 --> 00:51:37.380
Dani Vee: Wow, thank.
00:51:37.380 --> 00:51:40.150
Rachel Spratt: Goodness! There was a sign, and you didn't drive straight past.
00:51:40.150 --> 00:51:41.699
Jacqueline Harvey: As you do. We go into.
00:51:41.700 --> 00:51:42.200
Dani Vee: It's.
00:51:42.200 --> 00:51:47.100
Jacqueline Harvey: Outside filling up the car with the fuel, and it's 1 of those places that you've got to like. Put your credit card in.
00:51:47.100 --> 00:51:47.480
Rachel Spratt: Yeah.
00:51:47.480 --> 00:51:58.001
Jacqueline Harvey: Before they'll let you put me fill in. So Olivia and I go inside, and in the truck stop. It's kind of scary. There are literally guns all up on the wall.
00:51:58.330 --> 00:51:59.050
Dani Vee: I don't.
00:51:59.050 --> 00:52:12.687
Jacqueline Harvey: Truck stop and anyway. Then it has the the menu behind the so so it's like a, you know. Take away truck, stop place, anyway. It's you know it's got you your Burgers and your fries, and whatever and
00:52:13.260 --> 00:52:18.830
Jacqueline Harvey: Olivia goes. Oh, I wonder if they do a veggie Burger. I was like, you're good luck. You're asking for that.
00:52:20.470 --> 00:52:29.089
Jacqueline Harvey: anyway, she says to the guy she says, Oh, do you do you think you could do me a veggie burger, and he looks at her, and he goes.
00:52:29.320 --> 00:52:33.930
Jacqueline Harvey: If it ain't up there on the board, you're not getting it.
00:52:36.390 --> 00:52:41.980
Jacqueline Harvey: At which point I said, well, look, just choose something else. Will you just quickly choose something else? Sorry.
00:52:42.260 --> 00:52:43.940
Dani Vee: And a chocolate ball.
00:52:44.360 --> 00:52:49.583
Jacqueline Harvey: Yeah. So so that was our little trip, you know, from California into Nevada. And
00:52:49.910 --> 00:52:51.639
Dani Vee: That is just wild.
00:52:51.640 --> 00:52:58.259
Rachel Spratt: Fantastic. I went down to Jones Beach with my kids. That's our favorite beach to go to, because it's like an hour drive.
00:52:58.260 --> 00:52:59.050
Jacqueline Harvey: Where is it?
00:52:59.450 --> 00:53:01.119
Rachel Spratt: It's just north of Kayama.
00:53:01.120 --> 00:53:01.650
Jacqueline Harvey: Oh, okay.
00:53:01.650 --> 00:53:15.530
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, yeah, it's like you've got to be a good swimmer to go there. It's really rippy, but it's a nice beach, and it's like. Got a car park right there and then it's got an IGA, and it's got like some place you can get food, so it's kind of a good place to take kids. He's never any trouble parking, because, you know.
00:53:15.560 --> 00:53:18.690
Rachel Spratt: most people don't go there because it's too dangerous.
00:53:18.690 --> 00:53:23.129
Jacqueline Harvey: Yeah. Children are about to be swept out to sea. Is it Bombo? Really.
00:53:23.130 --> 00:53:38.450
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, it's just just north from Bomba. So it's like Kayama, Bomba Jones Beach. It's really beautiful. Kayama Downs. My kids, just you know in my defense, my kids are egg like, really, really good swimmers. And they're really good body surfers. So yeah, like, I'm not worried about it.
00:53:38.450 --> 00:53:40.260
Jacqueline Harvey: You're not putting them in mortal danger.
00:53:40.260 --> 00:54:04.789
Rachel Spratt: No, and we always go between the flags. So we're okay. And oftentimes it's just them and the 2 Lifeguards. And so I just think it's 25 year old fellas. If the girls get in trouble they'll they'll be alright. But my girls have never got in trouble. They they're good swimmers, and also you can take your dog there. But anyway, I went to the fish and chip shop, and it used to be it's all been gentrified in in since we started going there, but when we 1st started going there, it's like it was from you went through into a portal
00:54:04.880 --> 00:54:10.990
Rachel Spratt: into the eighties. When you walked into this fish and chip shop the kids couldn't get over. All the ice creams were like eighties. Price.
00:54:10.990 --> 00:54:12.090
Jacqueline Harvey: Cool, and also.
00:54:12.090 --> 00:54:12.730
Dani Vee: I.
00:54:12.730 --> 00:54:18.639
Rachel Spratt: Of ice creams you've never seen before, like. So instead of Buffalo Bill, it would be cowboy cam, and it would.
00:54:18.640 --> 00:54:19.860
Dani Vee: Like a letter.
00:54:19.860 --> 00:54:23.059
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, yeah, it would be like 80 cents instead of $4.
00:54:24.200 --> 00:54:49.069
Rachel Spratt: But they had all the fish and chip stuff, and you could get a burger and fish and chips, and you could get they had on the menu, and I didn't make it up like it was on the board salad. So I go up, and I say, because I'm not quite as healthy now, but these at the time I was like athlete, thin and healthy, and so I go up, and it's like I'm not eating carbs. It's like, so I said, Can I have some fish, some grilled fish, because they had that on the board. And can I have some salad?
00:54:49.260 --> 00:54:56.179
Rachel Spratt: And it was like, you know, like, in one of those Westerns where someone walks in and they ask for someone at the bar, and everyone in the whole bar goes silent.
00:54:57.230 --> 00:55:05.100
Rachel Spratt: And so everyone's like looking at me. Did she say? What was that word started with S like salad, and I'm like it's on the board, and they're like.
00:55:05.760 --> 00:55:07.490
Rachel Spratt: Do we have that here? And
00:55:07.890 --> 00:55:21.100
Rachel Spratt: and they got in like the senior lady who was like the 60 year old woman who clearly been in the fish and ship shop every day since she turned it and working. And she's like, yeah, we can do a salad. You just get all the toppings for the Burgers. And you put it in a box.
00:55:21.610 --> 00:55:44.969
Rachel Spratt: And and I'm like, Okay, yeah, that's fine. That's salad is lettuce and tomato, and a bit of onion that's cool, and so they do it so and so they, and then they hand it to me, and what they had done is, there was the fish. There was the toppings from the burgess so shredded lettuce some tomato, but they obviously just couldn't believe, that's all I wanted. So they had as well 2 cheese slices that they had laid over the top of the salad.
00:55:44.970 --> 00:55:45.700
Dani Vee: So you couldn't.
00:55:45.700 --> 00:55:52.980
Rachel Spratt: See the salad, and that it's like, and then they handed it to me. It's like fish and salad, and I was like, this is the best thing ever.
00:55:53.010 --> 00:55:57.230
Dani Vee: But it feels like that can follow instructions. She did say the contents of the burger in a box.
00:55:57.230 --> 00:56:00.329
Jacqueline Harvey: Yeah, cause that it's she could have given you a beef, Paddy, as well.
00:56:00.330 --> 00:56:03.110
Dani Vee: That's awesome. Yeah. I was expecting that.
00:56:03.330 --> 00:56:08.520
Rachel Spratt: Really good, but it's just the way they laid the cheese slices over the top. So yeah, so.
00:56:08.790 --> 00:56:12.310
Jacqueline Harvey: Just she could have done a deconstructed Chico roll for you.
00:56:12.310 --> 00:56:13.450
Dani Vee: I.
00:56:13.450 --> 00:56:14.400
Rachel Spratt: Roles are.
00:56:14.400 --> 00:56:14.880
Dani Vee: Well.
00:56:14.880 --> 00:56:16.210
Rachel Spratt: 90% cabbage like.
00:56:16.210 --> 00:56:16.740
Jacqueline Harvey: But you're.
00:56:16.740 --> 00:56:20.179
Rachel Spratt: Vegetarian. The amount of meeting there is only like 2% or something.
00:56:20.180 --> 00:56:21.210
Jacqueline Harvey: Minuscule.
00:56:21.210 --> 00:56:21.929
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, yeah.
00:56:21.930 --> 00:56:25.619
Jacqueline Harvey: Bytes of something, but anyway, we should probably wrap it up. Rachel.
00:56:25.620 --> 00:56:47.460
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, you always want to wrap things up, just wanting to start going all right. Well, I always forget to write out the end bit. All right. Well, thank you, Danny V. So much for coming on the podcast. And talking to us. You've been listening to real stories with random writers. Danny V's been our special guest. If you want to find out anything about any of us, you can check out our websites. My website is rasprat.com dot Jackie, what's your website?
00:56:47.823 --> 00:56:50.729
Jacqueline Harvey: Www dot Jacqueline harvey.com.au.
00:56:50.730 --> 00:56:58.959
Rachel Spratt: If you're wondering more about Tim Harris, and where he could be, you could check out timharasbooks.com. And for Danny Veeak. Where can we find out about you, Danny?
00:56:58.960 --> 00:57:06.989
Dani Vee: Mainly on social media cause. I love social media unashamedly. Or a website which you know is great. Danny v.com.
00:57:06.990 --> 00:57:07.690
Rachel Spratt: Yeah, they.
00:57:07.690 --> 00:57:09.090
Dani Vee: But I check.
00:57:09.090 --> 00:57:12.609
Rachel Spratt: Out. So thank you very much until next time. Goodbye.
00:57:12.610 --> 00:57:13.680
Jacqueline Harvey: Bye, bye.
00:57:13.680 --> 00:57:14.140
Dani Vee: Yeah.
00:57:14.140 --> 00:57:14.690
Rachel Spratt: Thank you.
00:57:15.330 --> 00:57:16.290
Rachel Spratt: Thanks, Danny. That was.
00:57:16.530 --> 00:57:19.980
Dani Vee: Thank you. That was fun. I think we could have got another hour there.
00:57:19.980 --> 00:57:26.757
Jacqueline Harvey: Would have we could have. I didn't even do any of my camperman trip around New Zealand. So you know, that's another road trip.